Dominic Madden

Dominic Madden artist

I make drawings and paintings with a range of media, including images from newspapers, ink and spray paint. Disparate images and discordant patterns are often layered to create poetic landscapes. Travels in the middle and far east have had an enduring impact on my work. Recent paintings and collages use chinese brushes, ink and rice paper to depict the English countryside. I am interested in the aesthetics of ‘shan shui’ ink painting and the notion of a dialogue between 2 worlds; my paintings are a mediation between conflicting cultural forces at play in a given landscape, real or imagined, and seek to raise questions of occupation and displacement; in particular, to create a kind of multiverse into which the viewer can wander and get lost.

2004 – 2009 Central Saint Martins BA (Hons) in Fine Art Awards
2009 selected for the Pienkow International Artist in Residence program

Selected Exhibitions
2021 MANY A GARDEN BY THE WATER BLOWS Canning rd, Walthamstow
2015 SENSE OF PLACE Reading Museum, Berkshire
2013 ARTISTS OF THE PAGEANT Pumphouse Gallery, Battersea, London
2013 HIDDEN STREAM Solo Show, Stanford Dingley, West Berkshire
2012 WHITEWALL Screening of Beirut Art Jam, Beirut Art Centre, Lebanon
2012 DAS SCHARF, Screening of Beirut Art Jam, International Film showcase, Berlin
2012 ENGLAND AND NOWHERE Solo Show, Stanford Dingley, West Berkshire
2010 TERRA INFIRMA Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London
2009 PIENKOW GROUP SHOW Gdansk Academy, Poland
2009 AFFLUENZA St John Street, Clerkenwell, London
2008 LUDICROUS The Gallery, Stoke Newington, London
2008 JOURNEYS Solo Show, 36 Spital Square, Bishopsgate, London

Born in London, UK 1973